South Idaho Bear Hunt

Here I am again – Posting “content” that not a lot of ya’ll came here for. I made a promise to myself that I would share things that INTEREST me. Things that feel most ME. Things that may seem like everyday mundane things, but feel like moments that I will go to my grave remembering. Not things that are “trending,” that please the sad algorithm. Life is too short to play a game with social media.


In 2019 I was lucky enough to be included in Cacy + Paige’s intimate wedding in the mountains of south Idaho with Haley Brownen. We clicked so hard with these people I was CERTAIN that that would not be the last time I interacted with them.

Sure enough, in 2020, Haley and I were in Utah/Idaho the exact same time they were up visiting their family. So we swung by, they showed us the caves and we took some family pictures. That’s why I’m so drawn to intimate weddings and elopements. I get to know people on SUCH a more intimate level and we really do stay friends for life.

In 2021, Paige reached out to me to tell me Cacy had signed up for a HUNT in Idaho while they were visiting family in Idaho again. I couldn’t not find a way to make it work. So I made the 1000k+ mile trek from OK / KS / CO / UT (to shoot the most perfect people in the Salt Flats) / back up to ID.

Running on zero hours of sleep for the day, we rolled out. Naive or maybe just sleep deprived, I’m not sure why I thought I was going on an ELK hunt, but turns out we were going out to hunt BEAR (lol surprise).

One of the COOLEST experiences I’ve ever had and will for sure be inviting myself along in the future, without shame.

THANK YOU to our hunting guide: LeVoy Eborn

Paage Frankesca

Helping couples and families get back to their favorite place in the world or discover new places together – I'm Paage, a photographer located in Oklahoma, serving nationwide – documenting raw and full stories of adventurous elopements, intimate weddings, motherhood, newborns, and families. Choose photographs that authentically celebrate where you're at right now – you deserve it.

To elope or not to elope?


Utah salt flats first looks